Telehealth Appointments

Telehealth Appointments

OPSB is offering a virtual/remote option for appointments through a system called telehealth services.

All clinicians are available for telehealth appointments, but some appointments, such as those that require measuring or fitting a device, must be conducted in person.

There is no additional charge for telehealth appointments, and appointments can usually be scheduled within a few days.

How to schedule a virtual appointment with your OPSB / Boston O&P clinician:

  • Call your preferred clinic. The office administrator who answers the phone will ask you the reason for the appointment and will collect some information from you, including the patient’s name, question or concern, phone number, email address, and preferred method of initial contact. The administrator will then send the information to a clinician on staff. In some locations, you may get a voicemail greeting asking you to email us if it is an emergency.  
  • Once the clinician has reviewed the request, the clinician will contact the patient or patient’s caregiver using the preferred form of communication to discuss the case.
  • If the patient/caregiver and clinician determine that an appointment is needed and the appointment can be conducted virtually, the clinician will schedule a telehealth virtual appointment. The virtual appointment can be conducted via phone call, FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts, etc.
  • If the clinician determines that your appointment must be conducted in person, you will be asked some screening questions to determine if you have been exposed to COVID-19, including whether you have traveled outside the state in the last 14 days and if you or anyone in your household has had a fever or cough in the last 14 days.
  • If you have an in-person visit scheduled and any member of your family has had a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher within the past 72 hours, please contact us to reschedule the visit.
  • Please be advised that while we will attempt to limit the information shared during a virtual consultation to the minimum required for us to provide the care needed, there may be privacy and security risks with sharing your information via an unencrypted video teleconferencing or other virtual service.