Shawn Koehler, CO

Shawn Koehler, CO Shawn Koehler, CO

Shawn Koehler, CO

Certified Orthotist, Clinical Director
Pediatric Orthotics Spinal Cord Injuries
Education, Certifications, Memberships
American Board of Certification, AOPA. Resident Physician Teaching Award @ Medstar National Rehabilitation Hospita 30+ years of fabrication and clinical skills

Care and compassion are delivered with expert knowledge to provide a quality experience. Unsurpassed customer service and a custom designed and fabricated device all lead to better outcomes for the patients and their family.


Working in the Durable Medical Field, I was approached for a position as an orthotic fabrication tech. Working during the day and school at night lead me to career in O&P. I was inspired by learning the field from my mother and the Scott family out of the Midwest. Designers of the Craig-Scott KAFO paraplegic braces. The ability to enhance a patients chance to return or even go beyond their potential is a wonderful thing and doing that for a living you feel truly blessed.